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How To Activate F and O In Zerodha 2024

I am going to teach you all in detail how to activate F&O in Zerodha. If you also want to trade and you have not yet activated Futures & Options in Zerodha then read this article.

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How to activate F&O in Zerodha Account?

If you want to enable futures and options in your account, you need to upload your income proof.

Any of the following documents would be appropriate as proof of income:

  1. Bank Account Statement for the last 6 months
  2. Latest Salary Slip
  3. Copy of ITR Acknowledgment
  4. Copy of Form 16 in case of Salary Income
  5. Net Worth Certificate
  6. Statement of Demat Holdings.

Also Read:- Income Tax in Stock Market

Steps To Activate F&O in Zerodha Account

Follow the following steps to activate F&O in Zerodha

Step1: Open Your Zerodha Account in Kite Application and click on the profile option. Now click on any one option which is shown in the below image.

Step 2: After that, your Zerodha Account opens in Chrome Browser. Now click on three lines which are shown in the upper right corner.

Step 3: Now click on My Account.

Step 4: Click On Side Arrow Which is in Blue color.

Step 5: Now Click On Segments.

Step 6: Activate The NSE - F&O and BSE - F&O. After enabling click On Continue.

Step 7: Now choose your Gross Income >> Tick Mark Both the Option and click on Continue.

Subsequently, the F&O segment will be activated in 48 hours.

Step 8. Open Kite and Check. F & O Activated Or Not. After Activation, you can start trading in Future and Options.

Please Note: The option mentioned above is only for Resident Individual Accounts. If you are holding a Non-Individual (Corporate, HUF, Private Limited, etc.) account then you need to fill up the Segment Addition Form along with your Income Proof and send it to our Head Office.

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